Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Closer

I figured out how long I need to work for a bare minimum at McDonalds or any minimum wage job for what I want. In order to get 15 hundred dollars is 25 weeks, assuming I work 10 hours a week and after taxes get paid 6 dollars. What I want is under 1100 dollars, but I want extra spending cash to get strings and stuff that I need as well.

day 2 things to do list:
1 Practice scales more.
2 Get the fast food job
3 keep the job without screwing up
4 Go back to Stony Creek and get out of Albany
5 Interview some Lobby members to help write a biography

that's all I can think of for now

To start off

This blog probobly won't be posted in too often, but what it is will be a list of things I want to do between posting and death, and in future posts will post any accomplishments as well.

1. Learn to play my guitar better.
2 Get a job during the school year.
3 Get interviewed by The Lobby Improv Team
4 Go to California to visit
5 Start a successful band
6 Play a live gig in atleast 10 different places within a year of making the band
7 Play 50 minimum gigs per year
8 Come up with more things to post on here